생존영어 15

영어 씹어먹기 : [P.9-10 Drill]윔피키드 (Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.일단 들어보기우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.3회 반복하기" data-ke-type="html">HTML 삽입미리보기할 수 없는 소스일단 써보기Dad says that when he was growing up, in the summer time kids played outside all day, until they got called home for dinner at night.[picture] Squeal!Well, that's pretty much the opposite of the way my summer went this year.I spent July and August at Film C..

영어 2024.10.16

영어 씹어먹기 : [P.7-8 Drill] 윔피키드(Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다. 일단 들어보기우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.3회 반복하기 일단 써보기In fact, the way we're headed, I'll bet a thousand years from now human beings won't even have spines.Some people complain that all this technology has made us soft. But if you ask me, that's not necessarily a bad thing.There are all sorts of luxuries nowadays that make people's lives better. Tak..

영어 2024.10.13

영어 씹어먹기 : [P.4 Drill]윔피키드 (Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다. 일단 들어보기우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.3회 반복하기" data-ke-type="html">HTML 삽입미리보기할 수 없는 소스일단 써보기Mom needs a hundred signatures before she can take the petition to Town Hall, but she's having trouble getting people to put their names on it.I'm just hoping she gives up on this idea soon, because it's kind of exhausting for the rest of us to pretend we ..

영어 2024.10.11

영어 씹어먹기 : [P.3 Drill]윔피키드 (Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.일단 들어보기우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.3회 반복하기" data-ke-type="html">HTML 삽입미리보기할 수 없는 소스일단 써보기Personally, I think a little separation is a good thing.[picture]Your leaves are in my yard. Lately, Mom's been going around town with a petition to get people to stop using their phones and electronic gadgets for forty-eight hours.[picture]Let's unplug to ..

영어 2024.10.10

영어 씹어먹기 : [P.2 Drill] 윔피키드 (Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.일단 들어보기우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.3회 반복하기" data-ke-type="html">HTML 삽입미리보기할 수 없는 소스일단 써보기Mom's always saying that when when she was younger, it was great because everybody in town knew everybody else and it was like one giant family.But that doesn't sound so great to me. I like my privacy, and I really don't need everyone knowing my personal bu..

영어 2024.10.09