
영어 씹어먹기 : [P.9-10 Drill]윔피키드 (Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

디젠(digen) 2024. 10. 16. 06:02

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.

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오늘의 필사

Dad says that when he was growing up, in the summer time kids played outside all day, until they got called home for dinner at night.

[picture] Squeal!

Well, that's pretty much the opposite of the way my summer went this year.

I spent July and August at Film Camp, where all I did was watch movies in an air-conditioned theater for eight hours a day.The main reason I signed up for Film Camp was because I thought it was for people who are serious about movies, like me.


But I found out it was really just a place where parents could dump their kids off for some cheap babysitting.

The downside of spending that much time in a dark theater is that at the end of the day it took a half hour for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight.


내용 요약해보기


아빠는 자신이 자랄 때 여름 동안 아이들이 저녁에 집에 호출될 때까지 하루 종일 밖에서 놀았던 기억을 회상합니다. 그와 대조적으로, 나는 여름 동안 영화 캠프에서 보내며 하루에 8시간씩 에어컨이 가동되는 극장에서 영화를 보았습니다. 처음에는 캠프가 저처럼 진지한 영화 애호가들을 위한 곳이라고 생각했지만, 곧 부모들이 저렴한 보모 서비스를 위해 아이들을 맡기는 장소라는 것을 깨달았습니다. 어두운 극장에서 오랜 시간을 보낸 결과, 밖에 나갔을 때 햇빛에 적응하는 데 약 30분이 걸렸습니다.


Dad reminisces about his childhood summers, where kids played outside all day until called in for dinner. In contrast, ㅡmy summer was spent at Film Camp, where I watched movies in an air-conditioned theater for eight hours a day. I initially thought the camp would attract serious movie lovers like myself, but I soon realized it was more of a place for parents to drop off their kids for inexpensive babysitting. A downside of this experience was that it took me about half an hour to adjust to the sunlight after spending so much time in a dark theater.

그림보며 복습하기

아래 그림을 보며 오늘 내용을 영어로 표현해 본다.



아래 번역문을 보며 영어로 표현해 본다.


아빠는 자신이 자랄 때 여름 동안 아이들이 하루 종일 밖에서 놀다가 저녁에 집에 호출될 때까지 놀았다고 말합니다.

[그림] 소리 질러!

글쎄, 올해 내 여름은 그와는 거의 정반대의 상황이었어요.

나는 7월과 8월을 영화 캠프에서 보냈고, 거기서 나는 하루에 8시간씩 에어컨이 가동되는 극장에서 영화만 봤어요. 내가 영화 캠프에 등록한 주된 이유는 나처럼 영화를 진지하게 좋아하는 사람들을 위한 곳이라고 생각했기 때문이에요.

하지만 나는 그것이 사실 부모들이 저렴한 보모 서비스를 위해 아이들을 맡길 수 있는 장소일 뿐이라는 것을 알게 되었어요.

어두운 극장에서 그렇게 많은 시간을 보내는 단점은, 하루가 끝나고 나면 햇빛에 적응하는 데 30분 정도 걸린다는 것이에요.


내가 반복해서 연습해야 할 문장 만들기(지겹도록 반복하여 내 것으로 만들자)

  • 올해 내 여름은 그와는 거의 정반대의 상황이었어요.
  • 햇빛에 적응하는 데 30분 정도 걸린다는 것이에요.
  • 내가 영화 캠프에 등록한 주된 이유는 나처럼 영화를 진지하게 좋아하는 사람들을 위한 곳이라고 생각했기 때문이에요.


위 한글을 영어로 바뀌 보세요!  (아래 '더보기'를 눌러 비교해 보세요.)


이와 유사하다면 답변이 가능하다면 오늘도 완주! 


  • This year, my summer was pretty much the opposite of that.
  • It takes about 30 minutes for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight.
  • The main reason I signed up for Film Camp was because I thought it was for people who are serious about movies, like me.



표현 해석 예문
play outside all day 하루 종일 밖에서 놀다 - Kids love to play outside all day during summer.
- When I was young, I used to play outside all day.
- Playing outside all day keeps children active and healthy.
pretty much the opposite 거의 정반대 - His opinion is pretty much the opposite of mine.
- The weather today is pretty much the opposite of what it was yesterday.
- My experience was pretty much the opposite of what I expected.
sign up for 등록하다 - I decided to sign up for a cooking class.
- Did you sign up for the summer camp?
- She plans to sign up for the online course next week.
serious about 진지하게 ~하다 - He is serious about his studies.
- If you’re serious about playing soccer, you need to practice more.
- She is serious about pursuing a career in film.
dump their kids off 아이들을 맡기다 - Many parents dump their kids off at daycare during the day.
- She often dumps her kids off at her mother's house.
- They dump their kids off at school before going to work.
cheap babysitting 저렴한 보모 서비스 - The camp provides cheap babysitting for busy parents.
- Finding cheap babysitting can be a challenge for many families.
- They offered cheap babysitting during the summer.
adjust to 적응하다 - It took me a while to adjust to the new school.
- I need time to adjust to the changes in my life.
- He struggled to adjust to the different climate.
downside of ~의 단점 - The downside of living in the city is the noise.
- One downside of working from home is the lack of social interaction.
- The downside of having a pet is the responsibility involved.
take a half hour 30분 걸리다 - It will take a half hour to get to the restaurant.
- It usually takes a half hour for the meeting to start.
- It takes a half hour to walk to school.