
영어 씹어먹기 : [P.13-14 Drill] 윔피키드(Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

디젠(digen) 2024. 10. 18. 00:01

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.

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  • 우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.
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오늘의 필사


But every time Mom pu the collar on the pig, within five minutes it would be back off. And don't even ask me how the pig did that, since pigs don't have even thumbs.

So now the pig comes and goes as it pleases, and who knows where it spends its time. What really stinks is that I have a curfew but the pig doesn't.


I think giving the pig too many privileges is a really bad idea. One day pigs will rule the world, and it'll be my familiy's fault for starting it all.

I wouldn't have an issue with the pig if it didn't interfere with my life. But I was late at the first day of school because it was hogging the bathroom.

[picture] Pound

With the pig in the house, I was actually looking forward to school starting. But once I got there, I realized it was just the same old thing.


자, 이제 조용하게 음악들으며 집중!!

내용 요약해보기


나는 목걸이를 착용하지 않는 애완용 돼지 때문에 느끼는 불만을 이야기해요. 돼지는 자유롭게 돌아다니고, 나는 통금이 있어요. 나는 돼지에게 너무 많은 특권을 주는 것이 나쁜 아이디어라고 생각하며, 언젠가 돼지가 세상을 지배할 것이라고 걱정해요. 돼지가 내 삶에 간섭하지 않는다면 괜찮겠지만, 첫날 학교에 늦게 간 것은 돼지가 욕실을 차지하고 있었기 때문이에요. 처음에는 학교가 시작되기를 기대했지만, 곧 이전과 다를 바 없는 일상이라는 것을 깨달았어요.



I describe the frustration of having a pet pig that refuses to keep its collar on, allowing it to roam freely. While the pig enjoys its newfound freedom, I am bound by a curfew. I believe giving the pig too many privileges is a bad idea, fearing it could lead to pigs ruling the world. I wouldn’t mind the pig if it didn’t disrupt my life, but I was late to school on the first day because the pig was occupying the bathroom. Despite initially looking forward to school starting, I soon realized it was just the same routine as before.


그림보며 복습하기

아래 그림을 보며 오늘 내용을 영어로 표현해 본다.



아래 번역문을 보며 영어로 표현해 본다.


하지만 엄마가 돼지에게 목걸이를 씌울 때마다, 5분 이내에 돼지가 다시 벗어버렸어요. 그리고 돼지가 어떻게 그렇게 하는지 물어보지도 마세요. 왜냐하면 돼지에게는 엄지손가락이 없으니까요.

그래서 이제 돼지는 마음대로 들어왔다 나갔고, 어디서 시간을 보내는지 아무도 모르죠. 정말 불만인 것은 내가 통금이 있지만, 돼지는 그런 게 없다는 거예요.

나는 돼지에게 너무 많은 특권을 주는 것이 정말 나쁜 아이디어라고 생각해요. 언젠가 돼지가 세상을 지배하게 될 것이고, 그건 우리 가족이 시작한 일 때문에 생길 거예요.

나는 돼지가 내 삶에 간섭하지 않는다면 문제없을 거예요. 하지만 첫날 학교에 늦게 간 것은 돼지가 욕실을 차지하고 있었기 때문이에요.

집에 돼지가 있으니 오히려 학교가 시작되기를 기대하고 있었어요. 하지만 학교에 가보니 그저 똑같은 일이었어요.

내가 반복해서 연습해야 할 문장 만들기(지겹도록 반복하여 내 것으로 만들자)

위 한글을 영어로 바뀌 보세요!  (아래 '더보기'를 눌러 비교해 보세요.)

  • 이제 그녀는 마음대로 들어왔다 나갔곤 했다
  • 나는 그녀에게 너무 많은 특권을 주는 것이 정말 나쁜 아이디어라고 생각해요.
  • 나는 그녀가 내 삶에 간섭하지 않는다면 문제없을 거예요.
  • 그녀는 매일 아침 욕실을 차지하고 있는다.
  • 막상 사무실에 가보니 그저 똑같은 일만 반복되었어요.


이와 유사하다면 답변이 가능하다면 오늘도 완주! 



  • She came and went as she pleased.
  • I think giving her too many privileges is a really bad idea.
  • I wouldn’t have an issue with her if she didn’t interfere with my life.
  • She is hogging the bathroom every morning.
  • Once I got to the office, it turned out to be just the same old thing.



표현 해석 예문
put the collar on 목걸이를 씌우다 - I need to put the collar on my dog before we go outside.
- She put the collar on her cat to keep it safe.
- He always forgets to put the collar on his pet.
come and go as it pleases 마음대로 들어왔다 나가다 - The dog can come and go as it pleases in the backyard.
- The cat comes and goes as it pleases through the cat door.
- I let my rabbit come and go as it pleases in the garden.
who knows where 누가 알겠는가, 어디서 - She often disappears; who knows where she goes?
- The dog runs off during walks; who knows where it wanders?
- He leaves the house without telling anyone; who knows where he is?
it really stinks 정말 불만이다 - It really stinks when you miss the bus.
- It really stinks that we have to do homework on the weekend.
- It really stinks when it rains on our picnic day.
giving too many privileges 너무 많은 특권을 주다 - Giving too many privileges to children can lead to problems.
- I believe giving too many privileges to pets can spoil them.
- Giving too many privileges in the workplace can create jealousy.
hogging the bathroom 욕실을 차지하다 - My brother is always hogging the bathroom in the morning.
- It’s frustrating when someone is hogging the bathroom for too long.
- She was hogging the bathroom while I was waiting.
looking forward to ~을 기대하다 - I am looking forward to the weekend.
- She is looking forward to her birthday party.
- They are looking forward to their vacation next month.
just the same old thing 그저 똑같은 일 - School feels like just the same old thing after summer break.
- Going to work can be just the same old thing every day.
- The meeting was just the same old thing as last week.