
에피소드 1 정리

디젠(digen) 2024. 10. 15. 07:46

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※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.


Grown-ups are always talking about the "good old days" and how things were so much better when they were kids.

But I think they're just jealous because my generation has all this fancy technology and stuff they didn't have growing up.

Believe me, I'm sure when I have kids of my own,  I'm gonna be the exact same way my parents are now.


Mom's always saying that when when she was younger, it was great because everybody in town knew everybody else and it was like one giant family.

But that doesn't sound so great to me. I like my privacy, and I really don't need everyone knowing my personal business.

Mom says the problem with society these days is that everybody's got their nose in a screen and nobody takes the time to get to know the people who live around them.

I don't really see eye to eye with Mom on that issue, though.


Personally, I think a little separation is a good thing.


Your leaves are in my yard. 

Lately, Mom's been going around town with a petition to get people to stop using their phones and electronic gadgets for forty-eight hours.


Let's unplug to reconnect!

Electronics are cluttering over lives! Let's put down our devices for a weekend and get to know one another! Who's in?


Mom needs a hundred signatures before she can take the petition to Town Hall, but she's having trouble getting people to put their names on it.

I'm just hoping she gives up on this idea soon, because it's kind of exhausting for the rest of us to pretend we don't know her.

I really don't understand why Mom thinks we need to go backward, anyway. From what I can tell, the old days weren't that much fun.

If you think about it, you never see anyone in those black-and-white photos smiling.


In the old days, people were just a whole lot tougher than they are today.

But human beings have evolved, and now we need things like electric toothbrushes and shopping malls and soft-serve ice cream to survive.

I bet our ancestors would be pretty disappointed with the way we turned out. 

But once somebody invented air-conditioning, there really was no turning back.

We've gotten so spoiled that pretty soon we won't even have to leave our homes if we don't want to.


Your burger is served. I said no mayonnaise!


In fact, the way we're headed, I'll bet a thousand years from now human beings won't even have spines.

Some people complain that all this technology has made us soft. But if you ask me, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

There are all sorts of luxuries nowadays that make people's lives better. Take baby wipes, for example. People were using regular toilet paper for hundreds of years, and then all of a sudden some genius came up with an idea that was a total game changer.

What really amazes me is that it took so long for people to come up with the idea. I seriously can't believe the guy who invented the lightbulb didn't see baby wipes coming.

And who knows what crazy thing someone's gonna come up with next to make our lives easier. Whatever it is, though. I'll be the first in line to buy it.



He talks about how adults often reminisce about the "good old days" when they were kids. He thinks adults are jealous because younger generations have cool technology that they didn't have. His mom believes that people in small towns knew each other well, which he doesn't think is a good thing because he values his privacy.

His mom has started a petition to encourage people to stop using their phones and gadgets for 48 hours so they can connect with each other better. However, he finds this idea exhausting and hopes his mom gives up on it soon. He believes that the old days weren't as fun and that technology has made life easier. He jokes about how future humans might not even have spines because of how comfortable life has become. Overall, he thinks that modern inventions, like baby wipes, have really improved our lives.


2)요약 재시도

He reflects on how adults often romanticize the "good old days" of their childhood, believing that they had a richer, more connected experience compared to today's youth. He suggests that their nostalgia stems from jealousy, as younger generations enjoy advanced technology that previous generations lacked. His mother holds the view that close-knit communities, where everyone knows each other, foster a sense of belonging, but he values his privacy and sees this as a drawback.

Recently, his mother initiated a petition urging residents to unplug from their devices for 48 hours to encourage personal connections. He finds this idea tiring and wishes she would abandon it. He argues that the past wasn't as enjoyable as many claim, emphasizing that technological advancements have significantly improved daily life. He humorously speculates that future humans may become increasingly dependent on comfort, joking that they might lose their spines. Ultimately, he believes that modern conveniences, like baby wipes, illustrate the positive changes in lifestyle.


3)요약 3차시도

He examines the tendency of adults to idealize their childhoods as the "good old days," suggesting that their nostalgia may stem from jealousy toward the technological advancements enjoyed by younger generations. He argues that his mother’s belief in the benefits of small-town communities—where everyone is familiar with one another—overlooks the value of privacy and individualism that he cherishes.

His mother’s recent initiative, a petition to encourage people to disconnect from their devices for 48 hours to foster genuine connections, seems impractical to him. He finds the notion of reverting to past social norms exhausting and hopes she will abandon the effort. He contends that the past was not as fulfilling as many remember, and instead highlights how technology has enhanced modern living. With a touch of humor, he speculates that future generations may become so comfortable that they risk losing their physical resilience, joking about the possibility of humans evolving without spines. Ultimately, he views contemporary inventions, such as baby wipes, as indicative of significant progress in quality of life.

유용한 표현 정리

표현 해석 예문
The "good old days" 좋은 옛날 - Adults always talk about the 'good old days.'
- I wonder if the 'good old days' were really that great.
- People often romanticize the 'good old days.'
Jealous of ~에 질투하다 - I think they’re just jealous of our technology.
- She was jealous of her friend’s success.
- He’s jealous of the attention she gets.
See eye to eye 동의하다 - We don’t see eye to eye on this issue.
- It's good when friends see eye to eye.
- I hope we can see eye to eye soon.
Everybody knows everybody 모든 사람이 서로 알고 있다 - In small towns, everybody knows everybody.
- It's nice when everybody knows everybody in the neighborhood.
- She loves the feeling that everybody knows everybody.
Put down their devices 기기를 내려놓다 - It's important to put down their devices during family time.
- We need to put down our devices and engage in real conversations.
- She encourages her friends to put down their devices for a day.
Put their nose in a screen 화면에 코를 대다 - People are always putting their nose in a screen these days.
- I wish they would stop putting their nose in a screen and talk to me.
- It's hard to connect when everyone has their nose in a screen.
Exhausting to pretend 모른 척하는 게 힘들다 - It's exhausting to pretend I don't know her.
- I find it exhausting to keep up the act.
- Pretending to be someone else can be exhausting.
A step backward 퇴보 - Going back to old ways feels like a step backward.
- I don’t want to take a step backward in my progress.
- His decision was a step backward for the team.
Makes us soft 우리를 약하게 만들다 - Some say technology makes us soft.
- He believes that comforts make us soft.
- We shouldn't let luxury make us soft.
A total game changer 상황을 완전히 바꾸는 것 - This technology is a total game changer.
- Her discovery was a total game changer for the industry.
- The new policy could be a total game changer.
Human beings have evolved 인간이 진화해왔다 - Human beings have evolved with technology.
- As human beings have evolved, our needs have changed.
- We see how human beings have evolved over time.
There’s no turning back 돌아갈 수 없다 - Once we make this decision, there’s no turning back.
- After that choice, there’s no turning back.
- In life, sometimes there’s no turning back.
Make our lives better 우리의 삶을 더 좋게 만들다 - New inventions can make our lives better.
- I believe technology can make our lives better.
- Her ideas really make our lives better.
It took so long 그렇게 오랜 시간이 걸렸다 - It took so long for people to discover this.
- I can’t believe it took so long to fix this issue.
- It took so long to learn how to do it.
Who knows what crazy thing 어떤 미친 일이 일어날지 누가 알겠는가 - Who knows what crazy thing will happen next?
- In technology, who knows what crazy thing could be invented?
- Who knows what crazy thing the future holds?
Be the first in line 첫 번째로 구매하다 - I’ll be the first in line to buy the new phone.
- When the game releases, I want to be the first in line.
- I’ll be the first in line for the concert tickets.
Hoping she gives up 그녀가 포기하길 바란다 - I’m hoping she gives up on this idea soon.
- He’s hoping she gives up her plans for the trip.
- I wish he’d stop and hoping she gives up.
Not that much fun 그렇게 재미있지 않다 - I don’t think the old days were that much fun.
- Sometimes, homework isn’t that much fun.
- The movie wasn’t that much fun compared to the book.
Complaining about ~에 대해 불평하다 - He’s always complaining about the weather.
- People are complaining about the new rules.
- She started complaining about the noise.
Spoiled 버릇없이 자란, 너무 좋은 것만 누린 - We’ve become spoiled with all this technology.
- Kids today are spoiled compared to my childhood.
- I feel spoiled when I have too many choices.
Going around town 마을을 돌아다니다 - She’s going around town to collect signatures.
- He enjoys going around town to explore new places.
- They’re going around town to promote the event.
Take the time 시간을 내다 - We should take the time to appreciate what we have.
- I need to take the time to relax this weekend.
- It’s important to take the time to connect with others.
Clutter our lives 우리의 삶을 혼란스럽게 하다 - Technology can clutter our lives if we let it.
- I try to declutter my space to avoid cluttering my life.
- Too many gadgets can clutter our lives and distract us.
Not necessarily a bad thing 반드시 나쁜 것은 아니다 - Being different is not necessarily a bad thing.
- Having some alone time is not necessarily a bad thing.
- Change is not necessarily a bad thing if it brings improvement.
Have her way 그녀의 뜻대로 하다 - She always tries to have her way.
- If you let her have her way, things might get easier.
- He knows that if he doesn’t compromise, she will have her way.

문제 풀이

  1. What do adults often talk about regarding their childhood?
    • A) Technology
    • B) The "good old days"
    • C) School lunches
  2. Why does the narrator think adults are jealous?
    • A) They don’t have privacy.
    • B) They don’t have fancy technology like younger generations.
    • C) They want to go back in time.
  3. What does the narrator's mom believe about small towns?
    • A) They are too noisy.
    • B) Everybody knows everybody.
    • C) They have better technology.
  4. What is the main concern of the narrator's mom about society today?
    • A) People are too friendly.
    • B) People are disconnected because they use screens.
    • C) People don’t read books.
  5. What does the narrator prefer over close community ties?
    • A) Being more social.
    • B) Privacy.
    • C) Living in the past.
  6. What is the petition that the narrator's mom is circulating about?
    • A) To get more parks.
    • B) To stop using phones and gadgets for 48 hours.
    • C) To have a festival.
  7. How does the narrator feel about the idea of going back to the old days?
    • A) Excited.
    • B) Disinterested.
    • C) Nostalgic.
  8. What does the narrator think about technology making people soft?
    • A) It’s a good thing.
    • B) It’s a bad thing.
    • C) It doesn’t matter.
  9. What does the narrator believe people in the past lacked?
    • A) Toughness.
    • B) Creativity.
    • C) Soft-serve ice cream.
  10. What example does the narrator give of a modern convenience?
    • A) Electric toothbrushes.
    • B) Landline phones.
    • C) Outdoor games.
  11. What does the narrator think future humans might lack?
    • A) Creativity.
    • B) Spines.
    • C) Intelligence.
  12. What does the narrator think about baby wipes?
    • A) They are unnecessary.
    • B) They are a game changer.
    • C) They are too expensive.
  13. What does the narrator hope will happen regarding their mom’s petition?
    • A) It will succeed.
    • B) She will give up on it.
    • C) More people will join.
  14. What kind of photos does the narrator mention?
    • A) Colorful modern photos.
    • B) Black-and-white photos without smiles.
    • C) Selfies.
  15. What does the narrator think about the need for evolution in humans?
    • A) It’s unnecessary.
    • B) It shows we are becoming weaker.
    • C) It’s natural and leads to improvements.
  16. How does the narrator feel about personal connections today?
    • A) They are more important than ever.
    • B) They are often superficial due to technology.
    • C) They are less necessary than in the past.
  17. What is a benefit the narrator sees in technology?
    • A) It complicates life.
    • B) It makes life easier.
    • C) It makes people lazy.
  18. What does the narrator’s mom think about people getting to know each other?
    • A) It’s overrated.
    • B) It’s essential for community.
    • C) It’s a waste of time.
  19. What is the narrator's attitude toward their mom's activism?
    • A) Supportive.
    • B) Embarrassed and tired.
    • C) Enthusiastic.
  20. What does the narrator predict about future inventions?
    • A) They will be less useful.
    • B) They will continue to simplify life.
    • C) They will confuse people.


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. B
  13. B
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. B
  18. B
  19. B
  20. B
