※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.
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- 우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.
- 3회 반복하기
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The first time we got together, Frew showed me his homework, which was some coloring and a word find. Frew said he didn't need any help, and then he asked to see my homework.
I had a least an hour of Malth problems and a Geography assignment that wouldn't taken me another two hours, but Frew whipped through all of it about fifteen minutes.
And he wasn't just fast, he was good. I turned in the assignments the next day, and when I got them back from my teachers, I had perfect scores.
At first I felt a little bad about getting help from a third grader. But then I realized that Homework buddies are supposed to help each other out.
So now whenever me and Frew get together, I just hand him a pile of assignments and let him go his thing. The way I see it, this is working out for everyone.
My only complaint about Frew is that sometimes he's too helpful. He's been getting bored with my homework, so he started making up assignments to challenge himself.
The other day he wrote a paper and attached it to my regular homework fro extra credit. But luckily I checked it over before handing it in.
[picture] Detecting commutative permeability in Physics
For a while I was just glad to be getting some homework help. But recently I've been thinking that since I'm the one who "discovered" Frew, I deserve some kind of credit if he goes on to do big things.
자, 이제 조용하게 음악들으며 집중!!
그림보며 복습하기
아래 그림을 보며 오늘 내용을 영어로 표현해 본다.
아래 번역문을 보며 영어로 표현해 본다.
첫 번째로 만났을 때, 프루는 자신의 숙제를 보여줬어요. 숙제는 색칠하기와 단어 찾기였죠. 프루는 도움이 필요 없다고 했고, 대신 내 숙제를 보고 싶다고 했어요.
저는 최소한 1시간 분량의 수학 문제와 2시간 정도 걸릴 지리 과제가 있었지만, 프루는 모든 걸 15분 만에 뚝딱 해냈어요.
그는 단순히 빠른 것만이 아니라, 정말 잘했어요. 다음 날 숙제를 제출했을 때, 선생님에게서 받은 점수는 모두 만점이었어요.
처음에는 3학년 친구에게 도움을 받는 게 좀 미안했지만, 숙제 친구는 서로 도와주는 게 맞다는 걸 깨달았어요.
그래서 이제 프루와 만날 때마다 저는 그에게 숙제 뭉치를 주고 그가 알아서 하게 해요. 제 생각엔, 이렇게 서로에게 좋은 결과가 생기고 있어요.
프루에 대한 유일한 불만은 가끔 너무 도움이 된다는 거예요. 그는 제 숙제가 지루해졌는지, 자신을 도전하기 위해 새로운 숙제를 만들어내기 시작했어요.
얼마 전에는 정규 숙제에 추가 점수를 위해 논문을 하나 썼어요. 하지만 다행히 제출하기 전에 제가 검토했어요.
[사진] 물리학에서의 교환 가능성 탐지
한동안 저는 숙제 도움을 받는 게 그저 기뻤어요. 하지만 최근에는 제가 프루를 "발견"한 사람인 만큼, 그가 큰일을 해낼 경우 어떤 식으로든 인정받아야 하지 않을까 하는 생각을 하고 있어요.
내가 반복해서 연습해야 할 문장 만들기(지겹도록 반복하여 내 것으로 만들자)
- 나는 모든 걸 15분 만에 뚝딱 해냈어요.
- 제 생각엔, 이렇게 서로에게 좋은 결과가 생기고 있어요.
- 그가 큰일을 해낼 경우 어떤 식으로든 인정받아야 하지 않을까 하는 생각을 하고 있어요.
위 한글을 영어로 바뀌 보세요! (아래 '더보기'를 눌러 비교해 보세요.)
이와 유사하다면 답변이 가능하다면 오늘도 완주!
- I whipped through everything in just fifteen minutes.
- The way I see it, this is working out for everyone.
- I’ve been thinking that if he goes on to do big things, I deserve some kind of credit. (I feel that if he achieves great things, I should get some recognition for discovering him.)
표현/패턴 | 설명 | 예문 |
showed me his homework | 숙제를 보여주다. |
1. He showed me his homework after class.
2. She always shows me her projects. 3. I showed him my notes for the test. |
didn't need any help | 도움이 필요하지 않다. |
1. He said he didn't need any help with the math problems.
2. She insisted she could do it alone. 3. I thought he didn't need any assistance. |
asked to see my homework | 내 숙제를 보고 싶다고 요청하다. |
1. She asked to see my homework to compare answers.
2. He often asks to see my work. 3. My friend asked to see my notes before the exam. |
whipped through | 빠르게 끝내다. |
1. I whipped through the reading in no time.
2. He whipped through the test and finished early. 3. She whipped through her chores this morning. |
turned in the assignments | 숙제를 제출하다. |
1. I turned in the assignments before the deadline.
2. She turned in her project yesterday. 3. He forgot to turn in the assignments on time. |
got them back from my teachers | 선생님에게서 숙제를 받다. |
1. I got them back from my teachers and was thrilled with the grades.
2. After a week, I finally got my tests back. 3. She got her report cards back last Friday. |
perfect scores | 만점. |
1. He achieved perfect scores in all his subjects.
2. I was excited to see my perfect scores on the tests. 3. She received perfect scores in the math competitions. |
felt a little bad | 조금 미안하게 느끼다. |
1. I felt a little bad for asking so many questions.
2. He felt a little bad for not helping her. 3. She felt a little bad about missing the meeting. |
supposed to help each other out | 서로 도와주는 것이 맞다. |
1. We are supposed to help each other out during group projects.
2. Friends are supposed to help each other out in tough times. 3. It's important that we are supposed to help each other out in class. |
let him go his thing | 그가 알아서 하게 하다. |
1. I decided to let him go his thing with the project.
2. She always lets him go his thing during rehearsals. 3. I trust him, so I let him go his thing. |
working out for everyone | 모두에게 잘 되고 있다. |
1. It seems like this plan is working out for everyone involved.
2. The new schedule is really working out for everyone. 3. The team efforts are working out for everyone this season. |
too helpful | 너무 도움이 되다. |
1. Sometimes he can be too helpful, offering advice when not asked.
2. She was too helpful and ended up taking over the project. 3. Being too helpful can sometimes overwhelm others. |
started making up assignments | 숙제를 새로 만들어내기 시작하다. |
1. He started making up assignments just to keep himself busy.
2. She got bored and started making up assignments for fun. 3. I noticed he started making up assignments last week. |
attached it to my regular homework | 정규 숙제에 붙이다. |
1. I attached it to my regular homework for extra credit.
2. She attached a cover letter to her regular homework. 3. He forgot to attach it to his regular homework. |
checked it over | 검토하다. |
1. I checked it over before submitting.
2. She checked it over for any mistakes. 3. He always checks it over multiple times. |
deserve some kind of credit | 어떤 식으로든 인정받아야 하다. |
1. I feel I deserve some kind of credit for my contributions.
2. If he succeeds, he will definitely deserve some kind of credit. 3. She believes she deserves some kind of credit for her hard work. |
the way I see it | 내가 보기에는. |
1. The way I see it, we should take action now.
2. The way I see it, everyone has something to contribute. 3. The way I see it, communication is key. |
getting bored with | 지루해지다. |
1. He is getting bored with his usual routine.
2. She is getting bored with the same TV shows. 3. I feel like I'm getting bored with this book. |
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