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- 본문복습
- 유용한 표현 정리
- 문제풀이
본문 복습
Dad says that when he was growing up, in the summer time kids played outside all day, until they got called home for dinner at night.
[picture] Squeal!
Well, that's pretty much the opposite of the way my summer went this year.
I spent July and August at Film Camp, where all I did was watch movies in an air-conditioned theater for eight hours a day.The main reason I signed up for Film Camp was because I thought it was for people who are serious about movies, like me.
But I found out it was really just a place where parents could dump their kids off for some cheap babysitting.
The downside of spending that much time in a dark theater is that at the end of the day it took a half hour for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight.
The other reason I signed up for Film Camp was to get out of the house. Even since we go a pet pig, it has'nt been a lot of fun being home. Especially not at dinner.
[picture] gobble / smack / slurp / chomp
For the record, I think it's a terrible idea letting the pig eat at the table, because it already thinks it's a human being. And the last thing we need is for it to think it's on equal footing with the rest of us.
Right after we got the pig, Mom thought it would be fun to teach it some tricks. So she would give the pig a cookie when it stands on its hind legs.
But the pig learned to walk like this, and it has'nt been on all fours ever since. To make matteres worse, my little brother, Manny put a pair of his shirts on the pig, so now it's like we're living in the house with a Disney character.
[picture] wobble
Mom used to take the pig outside, but after it started walking upright, it decided it was too good for its leash. Mom was worried that if the pig ran off, we'd never find it, so she got a collar with one of these GPS tracking chips in it.
But every time Mom pu the collar on the pig, within five minutes it would be back off. And don't even ask me how the pig did that, since pigs don't have even thumbs.
So now the pig comes and goes as it pleases, and who knows where it spends its time. What really stinks is that I have a curfew but the pig doesn't.
I think giving the pig too many privileges is a really bad idea. One day pigs will rule the world, and it'll be my familiy's fault for starting it all.
I wouldn't have an issue with the pig if it didn't interfere with my life. But I was late at the first day of school because it was hogging the bathroom.
[picture] Pound
With the pig in the house, I was actually looking forward to school starting. But once I got there, I realized it was just the same old thing.
And to be honest with you, I feel like I've been in middle school forever.
[picture] shake/fwoosh/glop/swipe/twang/plop
I needed to mix things up a little or I was gonna go crazy. So in the first week of school, I volunteered for the Homework Buddies program.
[picture] Be a buddy!
Team up with an elementary school kid to lend a hand. Sign up for homework buddies today!
But the main reason I signed up was so I could skip third period, which is Music class with Mrs. Graziano.
To give you an idea of how long Mrs. Graziano has been the music teacher, Dad had her when he was my age.
And apprently spending thirty years teaching middle schoolers how to play musical instruments does something to a person.
Last week I met my Homework Buddy, this kid named Frew. I have no idea why he even signed up for the program, though, because he's one of those people who reads scientific journals and college textbooks for fun.
The first time we got together, Frew showed me his homework, which was some coloring and a word find. Frew said he didn't need any help, and then he asked to see my homework.
I had a least an hour of Malth problems and a Geography assignment that wouldn't taken me another two hours, but Frew whipped through all of it about fifteen minutes.
And he wasn't just fast, he was good. I turned in the assignments the next day, and when I got them back from my teachers, I had perfect scores.
At first I felt a little bad about getting help from a third grader. But then I realized that Homework buddies are supposed to help each other out.
So now whenever me and Frew get together, I just hand him a pile of assignments and let him go his thing. The way I see it, this is working out for everyone.
My only complaint about Frew is that sometimes he's too helpful. He's been getting bored with my homework, so he started making up assignments to challenge himself.
The other day he wrote a paper and attached it to my regular homework fro extra credit. But luckily I checked it over before handing it in.
[picture] Detecting commutative permeability in Physics
For a while I was just glad to be getting some homework help. But recently I've been thinking that since I'm the one who "discovered" Frew, I deserve some kind of credit if he goes on to do big things.
I think about how different my summer was compared to my dad's childhood, when kids played outside all day. Instead, I spent July and August at Film Camp, where I watched movies for eight hours a day. I thought the camp would be serious about films, but it turned out to be a place for parents to drop off their kids.
At home, things got crazy after we got a pet pig that acts like a human. The pig learned to walk on two legs and thinks it's special, making life harder for me, especially when I was late for school because the pig was in the bathroom.
I was excited for school to start, so I signed up for the Homework Buddies program mainly to skip music class. I met a smart elementary student named Frew, who helped me with my homework. At first, I felt a bit bad for getting help from a younger kid, but then I realized we were supposed to help each other. Now, I just give Frew my assignments, and he finishes them quickly.
I like getting help from Frew, but sometimes he goes too far by making up extra work for himself. Lately, I’ve been thinking that if Frew becomes successful, I should get some credit for discovering him.
2)두번째 요약
I reflect on how my summer experience starkly contrasts with my father's childhood, where kids played outside all day. Instead, I spent July and August at Film Camp, where I primarily watched movies for eight hours a day. I initially expected the camp to be focused on serious filmmaking, but it turned out to be more of a place for parents to drop off their kids.
At home, the situation became increasingly chaotic after my family adopted a pet pig that behaves like a human. The pig learned to walk on two legs and has become quite spoiled, complicating daily life for me, especially when I was late for school because the pig monopolized the bathroom.
Eager for the school year to begin, I signed up for the Homework Buddies program, mainly to avoid music class. I was paired with a bright elementary student named Frew, who helped me with my homework. Although I initially felt guilty about relying on a younger student, I soon recognized that the program was about mutual assistance. I now often hand over my assignments to Frew, who completes them quickly.
While I appreciate Frew's help, I sometimes feel that he goes too far by creating extra work for himself. Recently, I’ve been considering that if Frew achieves great things in the future, I should receive some acknowledgment for introducing him to the program.
3)세번째 요약
I contrast my summer experience with that of my father's childhood, where outdoor play was the norm. Instead, I spent July and August at Film Camp, a program that primarily involved watching movies for eight hours each day. Initially drawn by the expectation of a serious focus on filmmaking, I soon realized it functioned more as a childcare service for parents.
At home, life became increasingly chaotic after my family adopted a pet pig that exhibits human-like behaviors. The pig, having learned to walk on two legs, has become spoiled, complicating daily routines, particularly when it monopolized the bathroom, causing me to be late for school.
Looking forward to the school year, I enrolled in the Homework Buddies program mainly to avoid attending music class. I was paired with an exceptionally bright elementary student named Frew, who offered substantial help with my homework. Initially feeling guilty about depending on a younger student, I recognized the program's purpose of mutual assistance. I now frequently delegate my assignments to Frew, who completes them with impressive speed.
While I value Frew's assistance, I occasionally feel that he overextends himself by creating additional assignments. Recently, I have considered that if Frew achieves significant success in the future, I should receive some recognition for introducing him to the program.
유용한 표현 정리
Expression/Pattern | Meaning (Korean) |
Example Sentences
"when I was growing up" | 내가 자랄 때 |
"When I was growing up, I spent summers at my grandparents' house."
"When I was growing up, my parents took me to the park every weekend." "When I was growing up, I loved reading fantasy books." |
"pretty much the opposite" | 거의 반대의 |
"This year’s vacation was pretty much the opposite of last year’s."
"My experience was pretty much the opposite of what I expected." "The weather was pretty much the opposite of what the forecast predicted." |
"the main reason" | 주된 이유 |
"The main reason I joined the club was to make new friends."
"The main reason for my decision was financial security." "The main reason we moved was for better job opportunities." |
"I found out" | 알게 되었다 |
"I found out that the concert was canceled."
"I found out that my friend was moving away." "I found out about the surprise party last week." |
"for the record" | 기록으로 남기기 위해 |
"For the record, I don’t like spicy food."
"For the record, I finished my project on time." "For the record, I believe in honesty above all." |
"the last thing we need" | 우리가 가장 필요하지 않은 것 |
"The last thing we need is more drama in our lives."
"The last thing we need is more stress right now." "The last thing we need is another delay in the project." |
"it has been" | 계속해서 ~해왔다 |
"It has been a long time since I visited my hometown."
"It has been years since we last saw each other." "It has been challenging to adapt to the new routine." |
"to make matters worse" | 문제를 더 악화시키다 |
"To make matters worse, I lost my wallet."
"To make matters worse, the rain started just as we left." "To make matters worse, I forgot my homework." |
"I think giving [something] too many privileges" | 너무 많은 특권을 주는 것이 좋지 않다고 생각한다 |
"I think giving kids too many privileges can be harmful."
"I think giving employees too many benefits can lead to complacency." "I think giving students too much freedom can cause them to slack off." |
"it stinks that" | ~한 것이 아쉽다 |
"It stinks that we have to study on weekends."
"It stinks that the game was canceled due to rain." "It stinks that I missed the concert." |
"I was looking forward to" | ~을 기대하고 있었다 |
"I was looking forward to the party all week."
"I was looking forward to the vacation." "I was looking forward to meeting my friends again." |
"to be honest with you" | 솔직히 말하자면 |
"To be honest with you, I don’t really enjoy that movie."
"To be honest with you, I think we need a new plan." "To be honest with you, I was nervous about the presentation." |
"I feel like" | ~라고 느낀다 |
"I feel like this semester is going to be challenging."
"I feel like I need a break." "I feel like we should try a different approach." |
"the way I see it" | 내가 생각하는 방식으로는 |
"The way I see it, we need to focus on teamwork."
"The way I see it, everyone should contribute." "The way I see it, we can learn from our mistakes." |
"worked out for everyone" | 모두에게 좋은 결과가 나왔다 |
"The plan worked out for everyone involved."
"It all worked out for everyone in the end." "The event worked out for everyone, despite the challenges." |
문제 풀이
- How did the narrator's summer compare to their father's childhood?
- A) More outdoor play
- B) More time at home
- C) More time watching movies
- What was the main reason the narrator signed up for Film Camp?
- A) To learn how to make films
- B) To watch movies all day
- C) To have fun with friends
- What did the narrator discover about Film Camp?
- A) It was very educational
- B) It was more like babysitting
- C) It focused on filmmaking
- How long did the narrator spend watching movies each day at Film Camp?
- A) 6 hours
- B) 8 hours
- C) 10 hours
- What problem did the narrator face after spending so much time in a dark theater?
- A) They were tired
- B) Their eyes took time to adjust to sunlight
- C) They lost their voice
- What changed at home after the family got a pet pig?
- A) The house became quieter
- B) The pig learned tricks
- C) Life became more chaotic
- What did the narrator think about the pig eating at the table?
- A) It was a fun idea
- B) It was a terrible idea
- C) It was necessary
- How did the pig learn to walk?
- A) By watching humans
- B) By standing on its hind legs for treats
- C) It always walked this way
- Who dressed the pig in shirts?
- A) The narrator
- B) Their mother
- C) The narrator's little brother, Manny
- What did the narrator's mom get for the pig to keep track of it?
- A) A leash
- B) A GPS collar
- C) A bell
- Why did the narrator think giving the pig privileges was a bad idea?
- A) It could escape easily
- B) It might become too spoiled
- C) It would make the family unhappy
- How did the narrator feel about being late to school?
- A) They didn't care
- B) They were annoyed
- C) They were excited
- What was the narrator's attitude towards the start of the school year?
- A) They were dreading it
- B) They were looking forward to it
- C) They felt indifferent
- Why did the narrator volunteer for the Homework Buddies program?
- A) To help younger students
- B) To avoid music class
- C) To make friends
- What subject did the narrator want to skip?
- A) Math
- B) Geography
- C) Music
- How long had the music teacher, Mrs. Graziano, been teaching?
- A) 10 years
- B) 20 years
- C) 30 years
- What was Frew's attitude towards homework?
- A) He loved it
- B) He found it boring
- C) He didn't do it
- How quickly did Frew finish the narrator's assignments?
- A) In 5 minutes
- B) In 15 minutes
- C) In 30 minutes
- How did the narrator feel about getting help from Frew?
- A) Guilty at first
- B) Proud
- C) Indifferent
- What did the narrator often do with their assignments?
- A) Completed them alone
- B) Handed them to Frew
- C) Ignored them
- What did Frew start doing because he got bored with the narrator's homework?
- A) Creating new assignments for himself
- B) Refusing to help
- C) Doing extra credit work
- What did Frew attach to the narrator's homework for extra credit?
- A) A paper he wrote
- B) A sticker
- C) A drawing
- What subject did the extra paper from Frew discuss?
- A) History
- B) Physics
- C) Art
- How did the narrator feel about Frew's help over time?
- A) Grateful
- B) Frustrated
- C) Annoyed
- What did the narrator think about Frew's potential future success?
- A) It was unlikely
- B) They should get credit for discovering him
- C) It didn't matter
- How did the narrator's view of school change after meeting Frew?
- A) They enjoyed it more
- B) They disliked it even more
- C) They felt the same
- What was one of the narrator's biggest challenges at home?
- A) Doing chores
- B) Managing the pig's behavior
- C) Completing homework
- How did the narrator feel about their middle school experience?
- A) Excited
- B) Bored
- C) Overwhelmed
- What did the narrator think about their situation with the pig?
- A) It was amusing
- B) It was frustrating
- C) It was manageable
- What does the narrator hope for Frew's future?
- A) That he remains in school
- B) That he becomes successful
- C) That he becomes a teacher
Question Number | Answer | Question Number | Answer | Question Number | Answer | Question Number | Answer |
1 | C | 2 | B | 3 | B | 4 | B |
5 | B | 6 | C | 7 | B | 8 | B |
9 | C | 10 | B | 11 | B | 12 | B |
13 | B | 14 | B | 15 | C | 16 | C |
17 | B | 18 | B | 19 | A | 20 | B |
21 | A | 22 | A | 23 | B | 24 | A |
25 | B | 26 | A | 27 | B | 28 | B |
29 | B | 30 | B |
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