표현 및 패턴 | 한글 뜻 | 본문의 해당 문장 |
I guess I thought | 내가 생각했던 것 같다 |
I guess I thought Grandpa would live with us for a little while and then find a place...
I’m starting to worry that | 나는 ...에 대해 걱정되기 시작했다 |
But now I’m starting to worry that it’s permanent.
I’m not sure how much longer I can | 내가 얼마나 더 ...할 수 있을지 모르겠다 |
I’m not sure how much longer I can be Manny’s roommate.
For one thing, it’s not dignified to | 첫째로, ...하는 것은 체면이 서지 않는다 |
For one thing, it’s not dignified to share a room with a person who doesn’t wear pants...
he’s been moping around | 그는 우울하게 집안을 돌아다니고 있다 |
Lately, he’s been moping around the house in a bathrobe...
break out of his funk | 우울한 상태에서 벗어나다 |
So I’ve been showing Grandpa how to do online dating to help him break out of his funk.
created a monster | 괴물을 만들어냈다 (의역: 너무 큰 문제를 일으켰다) |
I think I’ve created a monster, though.
Don’t even ask me how | 어떻게 ...하는지 묻지도 마라 |
Don’t even ask me how he keeps track of who’s who.
pile into the car | 차에 우르르 타다 |
So of course tonight we had to pile into the car to go show him our support.
I’m not sure if I’d call | 내가 ...라고 부를 수 있을지 모르겠다 |
I’m not sure if I’d call Rodrick’s new position a promotion, though.
a huge no-no | 절대 금지 사항 | ...that’s a huge no-no. |
getting it from every side | 사방에서 공격당하다 |
When we got there tonight, Rodrick was getting it from every side.
stay hydrated | 수분을 유지하다 |
...which is the only way Rodrick was able to stay hydrated.
I’m starting to wonder if | 나는 ...인지 궁금해지기 시작했다 |
I’m starting to wonder if the guy who had the job dressing up as Old-Times Tobias...
give him two weeks, tops | 기껏해야 2주 정도 줄 수 있다 |
If I had to bet on how long Rodrick lasts, I’d give him two weeks, tops.
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