할아버지가 집으로 이사 오면서 가족 간의 갈등과 혼란이 생기고, 특히 아빠는 자녀들이 스스로 할 수 있는 일을 엄마에게 의존하는 것을 싫어해요. 큰형 로드릭은 결국 직업을 구하게 되지만 가족이 응원하러 온 날 쓰레기 청소를 하며 당황스러운 상황에 처해요.
아래와 같이 복습을 해봅시다.
- 본문복습
- 유용한 표현 정리
- 문제풀이
본문 복습
As if our house wasn't crowded enough, now Grandpa is living with us. They raised the rent at Leisure Towers, and they couldn't afford to live there anymore. So Mom invited Grandpa to move in with our family. Dad wasn't so hot on the idea, even though Grandpa is his own father. Mom says it will be just like the old days, when three generations lived under the same roof. I think Mom has this rosy image of the way things used to be, but I have a totally different picture of what it must've been like back then.
I was actually ok with Grandpa moving in with us until I realized what it meant for me. Mom let Grandpa pick any bedroom he wanted. and of course he chose mine. That meant I needed to find a new place to sleep. My first thought was to go to the guest room, but I forgot that's where the pig stays. And there's no way I'm sharing the pullout couch with a barn animal.
I ruled out Rodrick's room right away, because he might actually be a step down from the pig.
My only other choice was to room with Manny, so I got out the air bed and set it up on his floor. But sleeping in Manny's room has its own problems. Mom reads Manny a bedtime story every night, and sometimes they're really long. In fact, lately I think Manny's been picking out the thickest book he can find just to get on my nerves.
[picture] In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
Things have been a little tense ever since Grandpa moved in. You can tell he doesn't really approve of the way Mom and Dad are raising us kids, even though he never actually come out and says it. Mom's been trying to potty train Manny forever, and she's experimenting with something called "No Pants After Dinner." And it's exactly what it sounds like. What's supposed to happen is that when Manny feels the urge to go, he'll run to the bathroom.
But Manny just prances around all night with nothing on below the waist. And eventually he ducks behind the recliner in the family room. I don't think Dad's a huge fan of No Pants. After dinner, but I can tell he's even uncomfortable with Grandpa being here to witness it. It's pretty obvious having Grandpa around is really stressing Dad out. And every time one of us kids screws up, it just makes Dad even more tense.
What seems to annoy Dad the most is when one of us kids asks Mom to do something that we are able to do ourselves. Yesterday I asked Mom to open a microwave burrito for me, because I always have trouble with those plastic packages. But Dad jumped all over my case. He said if I was stranded on a desert island with a thousand microwave burritos, I'd starve to death because I couldn't figure out how to open them on my own.
I told Dad that the chances of me getting stranded on a desert with a thousand microwave burritos were pretty slim, but he said I was missing the point. He said if I don't learn how to do things by myself, I'm not gonna be able to survive in the "real world". Another thing Dad hates is how Mom helps me get ready for school in the morning. She picks out my clothes the night before, and she has a chart hanging in the kitchen to help me stay on track.
I guess Dad was pretty embarrassed by the chart because the other day he took it down. But without that thing to guide me through the morning, I got the order of things all wrong and ended up wearing socks over my shoes. These days, I think Dad's just waiting for me to screw up. This morning I forgot to put the cap back on the tube of toothpaste, and Dad was ready to pounce.
I didn't think it was a big deal, but Dad gave me this long speech about how "little things have big consequences." He said if I was a kid growing up in frontier times and it was my job to tighten the bolts on the wagon wheels but I forgot to, then the wheels would fall off and our family would get eaten by wolves. I thought Dad was being kind of dramatic, but it did make me fell a little guilty about that toothpaste cap.
I'm not the the only one who's been getting on Dad's nerves, though. Lately, Rodrick's been getting under Dad's skin, too. Whenever Rodrick needs gas for his van, he hits Mom up for money. But a few nights ago he made the mistake of doing it in front of Grandpa. Dad said that from now on, Rodrick has to pay for his own gas. And when Rodrick asked how he was supposed to do that, Dad said it was time for him to get a job.
So Mom helped Rodrick go through the Help Wanted section of the newspaper to find him a job that doesn't require any skills or experience. They finally found an ad for a restaurant that's about fifteen minutes from our house.
[picture] Wanted! Seeking motivated individuals to join the team at the old-timey ice cream parlour!
I went to the old-timey Ice Cream Parlour for Rowley's last birthday party, and that experience may have permanently ruined ice cream for me.
They have this one dessert on the menu called "Feeling Trough," which is forty scoops of ice cream all in one long tray. And when you mix different flavors of ice cream together, it just turns into gray slop. The old-timey ice cream parlour is one of those places where the whole staff comes to your table to sing for your birthday. That makes me really uncomfortable, because it's pretty obvious they'd rather be doing anything else.
[picture] It's your birthday and we're here to say. We hope your day is dandy in an old-fashioned way.
Rodrick had an interview at the restaurant earlier in the week, and believe it or not, he got the job. Saturday was his first night of work, and Mom thought it would be a good idea for the rest of us to surprise Rodrick and cheer him on. But when we got to the restaurant, we couldn't find him anywhere. Mom was pretty worried, but eventually we found him out back. Mom wasn't happy that Rodrick was on trash duty, and she gave the manager a piece of her mind.
But the manager said Rodrick was an "entry level" employee and that everyone who works at the restaurant has to pay their dues. I'm pretty sure Rodrick was hoping we'd all just go home and leave him alone after that, but Mom wanted to stick around. And when Rodrick went on his fifteen-minute break, we hung out with him in the employee lounge. Rodrick spent the rest of the night talking the trash from the kitchen out to the Dumpster, and I guess Mom wanted to see him one more time before we left. So she told our waiter it was Manny's birthday, and waiter called the whole staff to our table.
But I wish Mom didn't go and do that, because there's something about the smell of garbage juice that really ruins your appetite.
[picture] And if you're feeling hungry. You're at the perfect place. Now just blow out that candle so you can stuff yer face!
When Grandpa moves in, my house becomes more chaotic. He takes my room, so I have to sleep in my younger brother Manny’s room, where I have to sit through Mom’s long bedtime stories. Grandpa doesn’t seem to approve of how Mom and Dad are raising us, especially Mom’s odd method to potty train Manny by letting him go pants-free after dinner.
Dad gets frustrated with me for relying on Mom to do things I should be able to handle myself. For example, he scolds me when I need help opening a microwave burrito. My older brother Rodrick also ends up getting told by Dad to find a job after asking Mom for gas money. Eventually, Rodrick gets a job at an old-timey ice cream parlor, and my family goes to support him, only to feel awkward when we see him taking out the trash.
2)두번째 요약
When Grandpa moves into my already crowded house, things get more complicated. He takes over my room, pushing me to sleep on an air mattress in my younger brother Manny's room, where I have to endure long, nightly stories from Mom. Grandpa doesn’t directly criticize my parents, but it's clear he disapproves of their parenting, particularly Mom’s unconventional potty-training method for Manny, which involves letting him roam pants-free after dinner.
Dad becomes increasingly frustrated with me for relying on Mom for small tasks, like opening a microwave burrito, and lectures me about independence. My older brother Rodrick, who regularly asks Mom for gas money, is also urged by Dad to get a job. Rodrick eventually finds work at a retro ice cream parlor, and when the family visits to support him, we awkwardly discover he’s on trash duty, adding yet another layer of family tension.
3)세번째 요약
When my grandfather moves into our already crowded home, family dynamics shift noticeably. He takes over my bedroom, forcing me to bunk with my younger brother Manny, where I’m subjected to long bedtime stories read by Mom. Grandpa’s presence brings an unspoken judgment on my parents' parenting style, particularly Mom’s unconventional approach to potty-training Manny by allowing him to go without pants after dinner, which creates a tense atmosphere.
Meanwhile, my father grows increasingly exasperated with my dependence on Mom for minor tasks, such as opening a microwave burrito, prompting him to lecture me on self-sufficiency. My older brother Rodrick, who frequently asks Mom for gas money, is pushed by Dad to find a job, which he eventually does at a nostalgic ice cream parlor. When our family visits to support him, we find him relegated to trash duty, adding an ironic twist to our already complex family situation.
유용한 표현 정리
표현/패턴 | 한글 뜻 | 예문 |
as if | 마치 ~인 것처럼 |
He looked at me as if I were invisible.
She speaks as if she knows everything. They laughed as if nothing happened. |
be not a fan of | ~을 좋아하지 않다 |
I'm not a fan of loud music.
She's not a fan of seafood. My dad's not a fan of pets in the house. |
ends up ~ing | 결국 ~하게 되다 |
She studied all night but ended up falling asleep during the test.
I tried to save money but ended up spending more. They ended up in a jam. |
run into | 우연히 만나다, 겪다 |
I ran into an old friend at the mall.
We ran into some issues during the project. She ran into trouble while traveling. |
turns out | 알고 보니, 결국 ~이다 |
It turns out he was telling the truth.
The weather turned out better than expected. Turns out, the store was closed on Sundays. |
be used to ~ing | ~에 익숙하다 |
I'm used to waking up early.
He's used to living in a big city. She's not used to such cold weather. |
in charge of | ~을 담당하는, 책임이 있는 |
She's in charge of organizing the event.
He's in charge of marketing. I'm in charge of managing the budget. |
can't stand | ~을 참을 수 없다 |
I can't stand waiting in long lines.
He can't stand spicy food. She can't stand noisy places. |
make it clear that | ~을 분명히 하다 |
He made it clear that he disagreed.
She made it clear she wouldn’t come. They made it clear they wanted a refund. |
have no choice but to | ~할 수밖에 없다 |
I had no choice but to apologize.
They had no choice but to wait. She had no choice but to cancel the trip. |
on purpose | 고의로, 일부러 |
He did it on purpose to annoy her.
She left early on purpose to avoid traffic. They ignored me on purpose. |
as a result | 그 결과 |
He didn’t study; as a result, he failed the test.
She saved a lot; as a result, she could travel abroad. They missed the meeting. |
give someone a hard time | ~를 힘들게 하다 |
My boss gave me a hard time about the project.
She gave him a hard time for being late. The coach gave us a hard time during practice. |
turn down | 거절하다 |
He turned down the job offer.
She turned down his invitation. They turned down the proposal. |
up to someone | ~에게 달려 있다 |
It's up to you to decide.
The choice is up to them. Whether we go or stay is up to him. |
every time | ~할 때마다 |
Every time he speaks, everyone listens.
She smiles every time she sees him. I feel nervous every time I present. |
in a row | 연속으로 |
They won three games in a row.
He called me five times in a row. She stayed up two nights in a row. |
remind someone of something | ~에게 ~을 상기시키다 |
The smell reminds me of home.
This song reminds her of childhood. That movie reminds him of his dad. |
at some point | 어느 순간, 언젠가 |
At some point, you'll have to face the truth.
They’ll meet at some point in the future. She left at some point in the night. |
문제 풀이
- Why does Grandpa move in with the main character’s family?
- A) He misses his family.
- B) The rent was raised at his old place.
- C) He is sick and needs care.
- How does Dad feel about Grandpa moving in?
- A) He’s excited to have him.
- B) He’s not very happy about it.
- C) He doesn’t care either way.
- What image does Mom have of living with Grandpa?
- A) She thinks it will be like the old days.
- B) She thinks it will be hard.
- C) She’s worried it will be too noisy.
- Whose room does Grandpa choose?
- A) The guest room.
- B) The main character’s room.
- C) The basement.
- Where does the main character end up sleeping after Grandpa takes his room?
- A) The guest room.
- B) In the living room.
- C) In Manny’s room.
- Why can’t the main character sleep in the guest room?
- A) It’s used for storage.
- B) It’s occupied by a pig.
- C) It’s too small.
- What does Manny do that annoys the main character at bedtime?
- A) Picks long books for bedtime stories.
- B) Talks too much.
- C) Snores loudly.
- What does Grandpa seem to disapprove of?
- A) The family’s spending habits.
- B) The way Mom and Dad are raising the kids.
- C) The family’s food choices.
- What unique potty-training technique does Mom use for Manny?
- A) She rewards him with candy.
- B) She lets him go pants-free after dinner.
- C) She sings a potty-training song.
- Where does Manny tend to go when he’s not wearing pants?
- A) The bathroom.
- B) Behind the recliner in the family room.
- C) Outside.
- How does Dad feel when Grandpa witnesses the potty-training experiment?
- A) Embarrassed and uncomfortable.
- B) Proud of Mom’s creativity.
- C) Happy that it’s working.
- What bothers Dad the most about the kids’ behavior?
- A) They don’t clean up.
- B) They rely on Mom to do things they can do themselves.
- C) They don’t help with chores.
- What does the main character ask Mom to do?
- A) Make his bed.
- B) Open a microwave burrito.
- C) Pick out his clothes.
- How does Dad respond to the main character’s request for help?
- A) He helps him open the burrito.
- B) He ignores the request.
- C) He tells him he should learn to do it himself.
- Why does Dad remove the chart from the kitchen?
- A) He thinks it’s embarrassing.
- B) It was getting old and worn.
- C) The kids didn’t need it anymore.
- What mistake does the main character make without the chart?
- A) He forgets his school bag.
- B) He wears his socks over his shoes.
- C) He skips breakfast.
- What “lecture” does Dad give about the toothpaste cap?
- A) It’s wasteful to leave it off.
- B) Small mistakes can have big consequences.
- C) Always put things back where they belong.
- What comparison does Dad use about the “real world”?
- A) Life on a desert island.
- B) Living in a big city.
- C) Traveling to a foreign country.
- Who else has been getting on Dad’s nerves lately?
- A) Grandpa.
- B) Manny.
- C) Rodrick.
- Why does Dad tell Rodrick to get a job?
- A) Rodrick is failing in school.
- B) Rodrick keeps asking for gas money.
- C) Rodrick wants a new car.
- What kind of job does Rodrick find?
- A) Working at an old-timey ice cream parlor.
- B) A job at a movie theater.
- C) Delivering newspapers.
- Why doesn’t the main character like the ice cream parlor?
- A) It’s too crowded.
- B) It smells bad.
- C) He dislikes the “Feeling Trough” dessert.
- What’s unique about the “Feeling Trough” dessert?
- A) It’s a very small ice cream dish.
- B) It has 40 scoops in one tray.
- C) It has exotic fruit flavors.
- How does the main character feel when the staff sings for birthdays?
- A) Excited and happy.
- B) Uncomfortable and awkward.
- C) Proud of his family.
- What does Rodrick do at his new job that surprises his family?
- A) He’s in charge of the cash register.
- B) He’s taking out the trash.
- C) He’s making ice cream sundaes.
- How does Mom react to seeing Rodrick on trash duty?
- A) She’s supportive and understanding.
- B) She’s upset and confronts the manager.
- C) She laughs and takes a picture.
- Why does the manager say Rodrick is on trash duty?
- A) It’s part of his “entry level” role.
- B) He needs extra training.
- C) There was a staff shortage.
- What do the family members do during Rodrick’s break?
- A) They wait outside for him.
- B) They hang out with him in the employee lounge.
- C) They decide to leave early.
- How does Mom ensure they see Rodrick one more time before they leave?
- A) She orders a “Feeling Trough” dessert.
- B) She tells the waiter it’s Manny’s birthday.
- C) She asks to speak with the manager.
- What smell ruins the main character’s appetite at the end?
- A) The smell of ice cream.
- B) The smell of garbage juice.
- C) The smell of birthday cake.
문제 번호 | 정답 | 문제 번호 | 정답 | 문제 번호 | 정답 | 문제 번호 | 정답 | 문제 번호 | 정답 |
1 | B | 6 | B | 11 | A | 16 | B | 21 | A |
2 | B | 7 | A | 12 | B | 17 | B | 22 | C |
3 | A | 8 | B | 13 | B | 18 | A | 23 | B |
4 | B | 9 | B | 14 | C | 19 | C | 24 | B |
5 | C | 10 | B | 15 | A | 20 | B | 25 | B |
26 | B | 27 | A | 28 | B | 29 | B | 30 | B |
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