
영어 씹어먹기 : [P.34-35 Drill] 윔피키드(Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

디젠(digen) 2024. 11. 3. 11:22

할아버지와 아빠는 어렸을 때 텔레비전 없이 상상력을 발휘하며 야외에서 놀았다고 말씀하셨어요. 하지만 저는 "캔 차기" 같은 옛날 놀이에 별로 흥미를 느끼지 못했어요.


※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.

일단 들어보기

  • 우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.
  • 3회 반복하기

일단 써보기

Lately, Mom's been trying to get Grandpa to tell us kids about what life was like when he was growing up. Grandpa says that when he was young they didn't have televisions or anything like that, so kids spent most of their time outdoors playing games like Kick the Can.


Grown-ups are always talking about playing Kick the Can. One time me and Rowley actually gave it a try to see what the big deal was, but we quit after about thirty seconds.

[picture] Wanna go inside and play twisted wizard? Yeah.

Dad says when he was a kid, he and his best friend, Giles, would just use their imaginations and play all day in the woods.



자, 이제 조용하게 음악들으며 집중!!


그림보며 복습하기

아래 그림을 보며 오늘 내용을 영어로 표현해 본다.


아래 번역문을 보며 영어로 표현해 본다.


요즘 엄마는 할아버지에게 어렸을 적 생활이 어땠는지 저희에게 이야기해 주시라고 설득하고 계세요. 할아버지께서는 어릴 때 텔레비전 같은 게 없어서, 아이들이 대부분 밖에서 "캔 차기" 같은 놀이를 하며 시간을 보냈다고 말씀하셨어요.
어른들은 항상 "캔 차기" 놀이 이야기를 하세요. 한번은 저랑 로울리가 그게 왜 그렇게 특별한지 알아보려고 해봤는데, 30초 만에 그만뒀어요.
[그림] 안에 들어가서 트위스티드 위저드 할래? 그래.
아빠는 어렸을 때 가장 친한 친구 자일스랑 함께 상상력을 발휘해 하루 종일 숲에서 놀았다고 하셨어요.


내가 반복해서 연습해야 할 문장 만들기(지겹도록 반복하여 내 것으로 만들자)

  • 그녀는 그에게 어렸을 적 생활이 어땠는지 나에게 이야기해 주라고 설득하고 있어요.
  • 그게 왜 그렇게 특별한지 알아보려고 해봤다.
  • 상상력을 발휘해 하루 종일 숲에서 놀았다.

위 한글을 영어로 바뀌 보세요!  (아래 '더보기'를 눌러 비교해 보세요.)


이와 유사하다면 답변이 가능하다면 오늘도 완주! 

  • She’s trying to get him to tell me about what life was like when he was growing up.
  • I tried it to see what the big deal was.
  • They used their imaginations and played all day in the woods.



표현/패턴 한글 뜻 예문
be trying to get (someone) to (do something) (누군가가 무엇을) 하게 하려고 노력하다
Mom’s been trying to get Grandpa to tell us stories.
The teacher is trying to get the students to participate more.
I’m trying to get my friend to come to the party.
(when) (someone) was young (누가) 어렸을 때
Grandpa says that when he was young, there were no TVs.
When I was young, I used to love climbing trees.
When she was young, she traveled a lot.
spend (time) (doing something) (무엇을 하며) 시간을 보내다
Kids spent most of their time outdoors.
I spend my weekends reading.
She spends her time learning new languages.
give (something) a try (무엇을) 시도해보다
Me and Rowley actually gave it a try.
Why don’t we give this restaurant a try?
He gave cooking a try but didn’t enjoy it.
use one’s imagination 상상력을 발휘하다
Dad would just use his imagination to play.
Kids should use their imagination more.
She used her imagination to create the story.