
영어 씹어먹기 : [P.30-31 Drill] 윔피키드(Wimpy Kid : Old School) 정복기

디젠(digen) 2024. 10. 30. 05:44

엄마가 로드릭이 쉬운 일자리를 찾도록 오래된 아이스크림 가게를 추천했지만, 제가 거기 방문했을 때는 어색한 생일 축하 노래와 엉망이 된 디저트로 불편한 기억만 남게 되었어요.

※ Diary of a Whimpy Kid : Old School에서 발췌되었습니다.


일단 들어보기

  • 우선 얼마나 들리는 지 확인해 보고 현재 실력을 점검한다.
  • 3회 반복하기


일단 써보기

So Mom helped Rodrick go through the Help Wanted section of the newspaper to find him a job that doesn't require any skills or experience. They finally found an ad for a restraurant that's about fifteen minutes from our house.

[picture] Wanted! Seeking motivated individuals to join the team at the old-timey ice cream parlour!

I went to the old-timey Ice Cream Parlour for Rowley's last birthday party, and that experience may have permanently ruined ice cream for me.


They have this one dessert on the menu called "Feeling Trough," which is forty scoops of ice cream all in one long tray. And when you mix different flavors of ice cream together, it just turns into gray slop. The old-timey ice cream parlour is one of those places where the whole staff comes to your table to sing for your birthday. That makes me really uncomfortable, becase it's pretty obvious they'd rather be doing anything else.

[picture] It's your birthday and we're here to say. We hope your day is dandy in an old-fashioned way.


자, 이제 조용하게 음악들으며 집중!!



그림보며 복습하기

아래 그림을 보며 오늘 내용을 영어로 표현해 본다.


아래 번역문을 보며 영어로 표현해 본다.


엄마는 로드릭이 기술이나 경험이 필요 없는 직업을 찾을 수 있도록 신문에서 구인 광고를 함께 살펴보셨어요. 결국 우리 집에서 약 15분 거리에 있는 한 식당의 광고를 찾았죠.
[그림] 구인! 전통적인 아이스크림 가게에서 함께 일할 의욕적인 팀원을 찾습니다!
저는 로울리의 지난 생일 파티 때 그 전통적인 아이스크림 가게에 갔었는데, 그 경험이 아이스크림에 대한 저의 인식을 영구적으로 망쳐버렸을지도 몰라요.

그 가게에는 "피딩 트러프(Feeling Trough, 쟁반)"라는 디저트가 있는데, 아이스크림 40스쿱을 긴 쟁반에 한 번에 담아 나오는 거예요. 그리고 다양한 맛의 아이스크림을 섞으면 그저 회색 진흙탕처럼 변해버리죠. 그 전통적인 아이스크림 가게는 직원들이 모두 손님 테이블로 와서 생일 축하 노래를 불러주는 곳이에요. 전 그게 정말 불편한데, 직원들이 차라리 다른 일을 하고 싶어하는 게 눈에 보이기 때문이에요.
[그림] 생일을 축하합니다, 우리는 말하려고 왔어요. 당신의 하루가 옛날 방식처럼 즐겁기를 바랍니다.


내가 반복해서 연습해야 할 문장 만들기(지겹도록 반복하여 내 것으로 만들자)

  • 그 경험이 축구에 대한 저의 인식을 영구적으로 망쳐버렸을지도 몰라요.
  • 전 그게 정말 불편한데, 친구들이 차라리 다른 일을 하고 싶어하는 게 눈에 보이기 때문이에요.

위 한글을 영어로 바뀌 보세요!  (아래 '더보기'를 눌러 비교해 보세요.)


이와 유사하다면 답변이 가능하다면 오늘도 완주! 

  • That experience may have permanently ruined soccer for me.
  • It makes me really uncomfortable because it's pretty obvious my friends would rather be doing something else.





표현/패턴 한글 뜻 예문
Help Wanted section 구인 광고 섹션
• I found my first job in the Help Wanted section of the newspaper.
• The Help Wanted section is a great place to start if you're looking for work.
• He often checks the Help Wanted section to find a part-time job.
doesn't require any skills or experience 기술이나 경험이 필요 없다
• This job doesn't require any skills or experience, so anyone can apply.
• I need a job that doesn't require any skills or experience because I'm still a student.
• Many entry-level jobs don't require any skills or experience.
permanently ruined 영구적으로 망쳐버리다
• The bad review permanently ruined the restaurant's reputation.
• That argument has permanently ruined their friendship.
• Eating spoiled food once almost permanently ruined my love for sushi.
turns into ~로 변하다
• The snow turns into water when the temperature rises.
• If you mix all the colors, it just turns into a muddy brown.
• Over time, a small misunderstanding can turn into a big problem.
would rather be doing anything else 차라리 다른 일을 하고 싶어 하다
• He looked like he'd rather be doing anything else during the meeting.
• When it comes to cleaning, I'd rather be doing anything else.
• The students would rather be doing anything else than attending the boring lecture.
here to say 말하려고 여기 오다
• We're here to say thank you for all your hard work.
• The representative was here to say a few words on behalf of the company.
• I'm here to say that I'm sorry for what happened.
go through ~을 살펴보다, 검토하다
• I need to go through all the documents before the meeting.
• She went through the photos one by one to find the best one.
• Let's go through the plan again to make sure everything is correct.
find an ad 광고를 찾다
• I found an ad for an apartment online.
• He found an ad for a used car in the newspaper.
• We need to find an ad for a good catering service for the party.
ruin the experience 경험을 망치다
• The bad weather ruined the experience for everyone at the outdoor event.
• His rude behavior ruined the experience for us.
• The poor service at the restaurant ruined the experience of having dinner there.
dandy 멋진, 근사한
• He felt dandy after getting a good night's sleep.
• The old-fashioned ice cream parlour had a dandy atmosphere.
• The car looked dandy after he polished it.